Police arrest alleged killers in dual murder case

RAHIM YAR KHAN: Police professed to have captured two speculates who were supposedly associated with a double murder case in Rahim Yar Khan, Express News revealed. 
While addressing columnists, City Circle DSP Jamshed Ali Shah said that charged Abdul Jabbar Arain and Usman Ali had slaughtered 16-year-old Noman Khokhar and 18-year-old Shahbaz in an offer to grab their cruiser rickshaws. 

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"The suspects took both of the casualties to the edges of the city, promising to pay them a lot of cash for the excursion," he included. He kept up that subsequent to achieving a secluded place, the charged secured their appearances with a bit of material and choked them with rope. 

The DSP brought up that in the wake of killing the casualties, the guilty parties covered their bodies in a discard and fled with the cruiser rickshaws. 

He said the charged used to offer bike rickshaws in the wake of taking them. "Both of the suspects are engaged with various criminal exercises," Jamshed Ali said. 

He said that amid cross examination, the blamed admitted to killing the two men and furthermore pointed police towards the assemblages of the casualties, which authorities later recuperated. 

In the mean time, fathers of the casualties, Shabbir Ahmed and Jahangir Khokhar, said that their children were the sole bread workers of their families. 

They requested experts hang the offenders and furnish them with equity. 

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Prior on August 25, Faisalabad police captured an offender in a visually impaired murder case. Police said that 45-year-old rancher Ikram, an occupant of Kukkar Wala, was discovered killed under baffling conditions while dozing at his guesthouse. 

Police gathered proof from the wrongdoing scene and arrested presume Irfan nom de plume Fani. Amid cross examination, the denounced admitted to executing the agriculturist. He advised police that Ikram needed to supplant him as the imam (petition pioneer) in the town mosque. He would not like to leave his position which is the reason he executed him with a hatchet.
Police arrest alleged killers in dual murder case Police arrest alleged killers in dual murder case Reviewed by funny jokes on September 03, 2018 Rating: 5

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